Yorkswood Primary School admissions are managed by Solihull Local Authority. Please contact the Local Authority if you are interested in a place at Yorkswood Primary School. Their contact details are:
School Admissions
PO Box 20
Council House
B91 9QU
Phone: 0121 704 6693
Email: admissions@solihull.gov.uk
From February 2019, Nursery admissions will be handled by the school rather than Solihull Local Authority. If you would like to apply for your child to join our Nursery, please complete the form using the link below.
If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 0121 468 4351 or enquiries@yorkswoodprimary.co.uk, and we will be happy to assist.
All other year group admissions will continue to be handled by Solihull Local Authority.
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